What is Age Regression? And why should we care about it?

Have you ever been hanging out with a friend when they suddenly start acting a bit childish as if they are one? Well theres a chance that they could be an Age regressor.

What is age regression? In my words, I’d describe age regression, or agere as some might say, as when one goes into a younger mindset due to trauma. Commonly used as therapy, but also happens when said person gets really happy.

“Age regression occurs when someone reverts to a younger state of mind. This retreat may be only a few years younger than the person’s physical age. It could also be much younger, into early childhood or even infancy.”


Now, before we get into why we should care, lets go over some terms.

  • Age dreaming(agedre): It’s when someone acts like a child and may do childish things, but never really mentally switches to a younger mindset. It’s similar to age regression.
  • Age regression(agere): It’s when someone mentally goes into a younger mindset to cope with stress, trauma, mental illness, or just for fun.
  • Caregiver: It’s someone who cares for an age regressor while they’re regressed. The relationship may be platonic or romantic, but never s3xual – at least, while the regressor is regressed. Some regressors call their caregivers “daddy” or “mommy,” because that name reminds them of a loved and comforting person in their life. However, it’s also common for regressors to have other nicknames for their caregivers.
  • Cglre: “Caregiver, little (regression).” It’s an age regression community where there is an age regressor who has a caregiver. It’s known for using the terms “little,” “littlespace,” etc., which are also used by k!nk communities, although cglre is not k!nk and is separate from k!nk. It is never s3xual.
  • Cgxl: “Caregiver x little.” It’s a nons3xual “type” of c-g-l, meant to reclaim the words “caregiver” and “little.”
  • Chire: “Child regression.” It’s an age regression community. It’s known for wanting to be separate from cglre, and commonly doesn’t use terms like “little” or “littlespace” (to my knowledge).
  • Dxlg/b: “Daddy x little girl/boy.” It’s when a daddy is the caregiver for an age regressor. The “x” is used instead of the “d,” to get rid of the “d0min@nt” part of it, therefore ridding of it of its N5FW and k!nk affiliations. This is never s3xual.
  • Mxlg/b: “Mommy x little girl/boy.” It’s when a mommy is the caregiver for an age regressor. The “x” is used instead of the “d,” to get rid of the “d0min@nt” part of it, and therefore ridding of it of its N5FW and k!nk affiliations.
  • Half regression: It’s when someone partially switches to a younger mindset, but not fully. It’s usually easier for them to go back into a bigger headspace. People who half regress also enjoy doing childish things.
  • Little: A term for an age regressor. It can be used in a s3xual way, but not by age regressors
  • Littlespace: A term for a regressed headspace. It can be used in a s3xual way, but not by age regressors.

Of course if you’re reading this I have almost no doubt you’ve heard of ageplay or ddlg/b or even mdlb/g. Although, maybe you haven’t! Well let me educate you a little.

  • Ageplay: It’s a k!nk where someone pretends to be a child, and someone else pretends to care for them. It is always s3xual.
  • BDSM: “B0nd@ge, d!sc!pl!ne, s@d!sm, and m@soch!sm.” It’s a k!nk/f3tish where consenting adults engage in d0min@nt/5ubm!ss!ve roles. It is always s3xual.
  • Cgl: “Caregiver, little.” It’s a gender neutral version of d-d-l-g/b and m-d-l-g/b. It is always s3xual.
  • Ddlg/b: “D@ddy d0m, little girl/boy.” It’s a k!nk – a branch of B-D-S-M – where the daddy is the d0min@nt, and the little is the 5ubm!ss!ve. It is always s3xual.
  • Mdlg/b: “M0mmy d0m, little girl/boy.” It’s a k!nk where the mommy is the d0min@nt, and the little is the 5ubm!ss!ve. It is always s3xual.
  • Little: A term for an age regressor. It can be used in a s3xual way, but not by age regressors.
  • Littlespace: A term for a regressed headspace. It can be used in a s3xual way, but not by age regressors.

None of these definitions are in my words & full credit to: https://buttercupagere.tumblr.com/post/186036882830/age-regression-vocabulary/amp

The purpose of me giving you all those last set of definitions was to go over to my next topic.

Agere & ageplay are two completely different things, as one is sexual & a choice, and the other isn’t a choice & is completely non-sexual. I’ve seen lots of people say, think, & claim that age regression is a kink or is the same as ageplay, but in order for it to be a kink of course it could have to be sexual! In which it is not.

Now on to why you should care, why i should care, & why we all should care about age regression.

Say you have a friend with depression & said friend struggles in their day-to-day life? You would help said friend, correct? Now say you found out that said friend age regresses to help with the pain and/or trauma they’ve been through. When said friend feels comfortable enough to share that with you, it means they trust you. Now if before you knew said friend age regressed, you were helping them out, but once you found out, knowledge on what it is or not, you stopped helping them because you thought it was weird. what type of person would that make you look like? Well, now lets turn the tables around. Lets say you’ve been through some tuff things throughout you’re life so far and as you got older you started to regress. Say theres this one friend who’s always been there for you and you start to trust them enough to tell them about your regression. How would you feel if said friend suddenly stopped talking to you because they now thought you’re weird.

People who age regress are humans like you and me. Now while some might say agere is a mental illness, others might say that it isn’t. As for I have no say on it, because mental illness or not we should still care.

What is Age Regression? And why should we care about it?

Published by Why do you care now?

Hey everyone! My name is Carmella. I made this blog because for the longest I’ve wanted to share my thoughts with others online and now i have a way to do it. I also made this blog in hopes I’d find people who agree with the things I speak on, and listen to the people who disagree. I feel I am a decently respectable person, but I guess you’ll just have to figure that out for yourself! This blog is for people who would like to read on others thoughts on LGBTQIA+, Age Regression, Mental Disorders, and more! This is for people that want to get more of an insight on communities coming for someone in them, Or just like listening to others ramble.

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